Cock o' Gloucester and Warren Dickenson Memorial - 26th and 27th July 2014
On 27th July 2014 the highlight in the NQCYC racing calendar was held – the 29th Cock o’ Gloucester. The major sponsor for the highly anticipated race was Montes Reef Resort, who made us feel welcome and gave away some amazing prices. The Grandview and Denison Hotels as well as the Whitsunday Music Festival also sponsored and gave away some great prizes.
The weekend was another big turnout with 15 yachts competing. Most made their way to Gloucester Island on Friday for the beach parties at Bona Bay and Montes.
The start of the race around Gloucester Island started at 11am on Saturday in moderate conditions. Sailing up the western side of Gloucester Island was challenging as always – the mountains created bullets and calm spots, but the northern tip was a pleasant surprise compared to last year’s high waves. Going down the eastern side of the island Destiny and X2 had a tacking duel using all tricks in the book. Different tactics were used with some yachts staying closer to the Island and some sailing further away. Destiny took line honours in just under 2.5 hours, finishing only one minute before X2.
After sun downers on the beach, Montes put on a delicious buffet dinner for us which was followed by the presentations. More than $1700 in cash and prices were generously given out by the generous sponsors to the deserving winners. The tension mounted until the end, when this year’s Cock o’ Gloucester was revealed: La Barca! Mark Belyea lifted the trophy like a very happy winner, who had always said he would hand in all his points from the previous races just to win this race – now he can grow old happily as a cruising yachtie. Prices were also given out to Rodger Snell and crew on Destiny in second place as well as Bobby Paull and Bruce and Fran Shanks on Dolphin in third place. The Fly’n High crew received a very classy hand carved wooden spoon.
Celebrations carried on until early morning with the traditional crab races, live music and dancing. Thank you to all the sponsors and helpers as well as Leon Mitchell for providing the entertainment and making it all run smoothly.
On Sunday the sailors were joined by Air Apparent for the return race to the NQCYC. The annual Warren Dickenson Memorial race sent the boats from Montes around Middle Island through the northern entrance back into Bowen. Air Apparent finished the race in under 2 hours and took line honours as well as the win on handicap. Second place went to Dolphin before Drifter in third place.
X2 and Aito unfortunately had to give the race away due to trouble with their centreboard. “Operation keel drop” entertained lunch guests at Montes as 350 kilos of lead were dragged up the beach and promptly lifted into the back of Taity’s Landcruiser.
Preparations are under way for next year’s most anticipated race on the NQCYC race program. Celebrations will be bigger than ever for the 30th anniversary of the race.
The weekend was another big turnout with 15 yachts competing. Most made their way to Gloucester Island on Friday for the beach parties at Bona Bay and Montes.
The start of the race around Gloucester Island started at 11am on Saturday in moderate conditions. Sailing up the western side of Gloucester Island was challenging as always – the mountains created bullets and calm spots, but the northern tip was a pleasant surprise compared to last year’s high waves. Going down the eastern side of the island Destiny and X2 had a tacking duel using all tricks in the book. Different tactics were used with some yachts staying closer to the Island and some sailing further away. Destiny took line honours in just under 2.5 hours, finishing only one minute before X2.
After sun downers on the beach, Montes put on a delicious buffet dinner for us which was followed by the presentations. More than $1700 in cash and prices were generously given out by the generous sponsors to the deserving winners. The tension mounted until the end, when this year’s Cock o’ Gloucester was revealed: La Barca! Mark Belyea lifted the trophy like a very happy winner, who had always said he would hand in all his points from the previous races just to win this race – now he can grow old happily as a cruising yachtie. Prices were also given out to Rodger Snell and crew on Destiny in second place as well as Bobby Paull and Bruce and Fran Shanks on Dolphin in third place. The Fly’n High crew received a very classy hand carved wooden spoon.
Celebrations carried on until early morning with the traditional crab races, live music and dancing. Thank you to all the sponsors and helpers as well as Leon Mitchell for providing the entertainment and making it all run smoothly.
On Sunday the sailors were joined by Air Apparent for the return race to the NQCYC. The annual Warren Dickenson Memorial race sent the boats from Montes around Middle Island through the northern entrance back into Bowen. Air Apparent finished the race in under 2 hours and took line honours as well as the win on handicap. Second place went to Dolphin before Drifter in third place.
X2 and Aito unfortunately had to give the race away due to trouble with their centreboard. “Operation keel drop” entertained lunch guests at Montes as 350 kilos of lead were dragged up the beach and promptly lifted into the back of Taity’s Landcruiser.
Preparations are under way for next year’s most anticipated race on the NQCYC race program. Celebrations will be bigger than ever for the 30th anniversary of the race.

Home Hardware Easter Regatta - 19/04/14 & 20/04/14
The week after cyclone Ita had forced the NQCYC to postpone the Commodore’s race on Sunday 13 April, the weather couldn’t have been better for the following sailing events.
On Wednesday 16 April, 9 yachts swapped the usual twilight sail for a beautiful moonlight cruise. The fleet started during a fantastic sunset and sailed anti-clockwise around Stone Island, while the sunlight was slowly fading and the full moon rose as an orange ball behind Gloucester Island. As there were no winners during this cruise, everybody could relax during a fun night.
The Easer weekend was packed with racing action for the traditional Home Harware Easter Regatta, which usually marks the second part of an interclub series between the NQCYC and the Whitsunday Sailing Club. The first part, which was scheduled for February in Airlie Beach, had to be postponed to a later weekend in the season.
The two yachts Twister and Anthea made their way up from Airlie Beach for an enjoyable weekend. They were joined by six Bowen yachts and competed in two divisions over 3 races.
The first race on Saturday started in very light winds, which thankfully picked up soon and made it possible for both divisions to finish the long race. Division 1 with Twister, X2, Fly’n High and Air Apparent sailed around Middle Island and towards Thomas Island, before turning back and going around Stone Island and to the finish. The win on handicap went to Fly’n High, who is finally back on the race track after being repaired for a few weeks.
The slower yachts in Division 2 only had to sail around Middle Island towards the Thomas Island buoy and straight back to the finish. Quickest were Anthea, who secured line honours as well as the win on handicap.
On Sunday the yachts in both divisions stayed in the bay for a short race, which was followed by a longer race. The wind during the first race was very light and slowed the yachts (especially in division 2) down, but the afternoon breeze provided for some quicker speeds in the second race of the day.
X2 had a very good run on Sunday, winning both races on handicap and securing the overall win in division 1, before Fly’n High and Twister.
Division 2 winner for the first Sunday race was Rakinki, but Anthea from Airlie Beach won the second race and was also crowned overall winner of division 2, before Rakinki and WayAnGo.
A big thank you for the successful weekend goes to the sponsors at Home Hardware, Pete and Chris Daniel on the pin boat and Mike Deckert and Ray Travers-Jones as the starters and time keepers, as well as all participants.
For photos by Christine Daniel click here.
The week after cyclone Ita had forced the NQCYC to postpone the Commodore’s race on Sunday 13 April, the weather couldn’t have been better for the following sailing events.
On Wednesday 16 April, 9 yachts swapped the usual twilight sail for a beautiful moonlight cruise. The fleet started during a fantastic sunset and sailed anti-clockwise around Stone Island, while the sunlight was slowly fading and the full moon rose as an orange ball behind Gloucester Island. As there were no winners during this cruise, everybody could relax during a fun night.
The Easer weekend was packed with racing action for the traditional Home Harware Easter Regatta, which usually marks the second part of an interclub series between the NQCYC and the Whitsunday Sailing Club. The first part, which was scheduled for February in Airlie Beach, had to be postponed to a later weekend in the season.
The two yachts Twister and Anthea made their way up from Airlie Beach for an enjoyable weekend. They were joined by six Bowen yachts and competed in two divisions over 3 races.
The first race on Saturday started in very light winds, which thankfully picked up soon and made it possible for both divisions to finish the long race. Division 1 with Twister, X2, Fly’n High and Air Apparent sailed around Middle Island and towards Thomas Island, before turning back and going around Stone Island and to the finish. The win on handicap went to Fly’n High, who is finally back on the race track after being repaired for a few weeks.
The slower yachts in Division 2 only had to sail around Middle Island towards the Thomas Island buoy and straight back to the finish. Quickest were Anthea, who secured line honours as well as the win on handicap.
On Sunday the yachts in both divisions stayed in the bay for a short race, which was followed by a longer race. The wind during the first race was very light and slowed the yachts (especially in division 2) down, but the afternoon breeze provided for some quicker speeds in the second race of the day.
X2 had a very good run on Sunday, winning both races on handicap and securing the overall win in division 1, before Fly’n High and Twister.
Division 2 winner for the first Sunday race was Rakinki, but Anthea from Airlie Beach won the second race and was also crowned overall winner of division 2, before Rakinki and WayAnGo.
A big thank you for the successful weekend goes to the sponsors at Home Hardware, Pete and Chris Daniel on the pin boat and Mike Deckert and Ray Travers-Jones as the starters and time keepers, as well as all participants.
For photos by Christine Daniel click here.

Bar to Bar race - 15/03/14
The NQCYC held its first inaugural Bar to Bar race which was a huge success.
The rules for this fun race are simple: one crew member of each yacht starts the race by drinking a beer at the bar in the Yacht Club and then tries to get on board as quickly as he can. The yachts then have to sail through the start line and race to Montes Resort, where a dinghy picks up the designated beer drinkers and drives them to the shore. Whoever empties the first glass at the Montes bar is the winner of the race.
The start was staggered with slower boats starting first and quicker boats having to catch up. The weather conditions on the weekend were nearly perfect, but unfortunately the slow winds made it hard to fill the sails and the quicker boats easily got away. Luckily the wind picked up later during the day and every yacht made it to Montes.
The finish over the line was close between X2 and What a Life, but Elliot Brown from X2 was first to finish at the bar and won the race. The second beer was drunk by Frank Travers-Jones from Warri and Zara Butler secured the third place for Aito.
It was good to see so many sailors of different ages participating and having fun. The youngsters from X2 brought along water guns and water bombs and tried to get everybody else wet after the race, which kept us entertained until they were boarded and forced to walk the plank. It certainly was a good warm up for many years of social racing to come.
The NQCYC held its first inaugural Bar to Bar race which was a huge success.
The rules for this fun race are simple: one crew member of each yacht starts the race by drinking a beer at the bar in the Yacht Club and then tries to get on board as quickly as he can. The yachts then have to sail through the start line and race to Montes Resort, where a dinghy picks up the designated beer drinkers and drives them to the shore. Whoever empties the first glass at the Montes bar is the winner of the race.
The start was staggered with slower boats starting first and quicker boats having to catch up. The weather conditions on the weekend were nearly perfect, but unfortunately the slow winds made it hard to fill the sails and the quicker boats easily got away. Luckily the wind picked up later during the day and every yacht made it to Montes.
The finish over the line was close between X2 and What a Life, but Elliot Brown from X2 was first to finish at the bar and won the race. The second beer was drunk by Frank Travers-Jones from Warri and Zara Butler secured the third place for Aito.
It was good to see so many sailors of different ages participating and having fun. The youngsters from X2 brought along water guns and water bombs and tried to get everybody else wet after the race, which kept us entertained until they were boarded and forced to walk the plank. It certainly was a good warm up for many years of social racing to come.
First Troppo Cup a success

On the weekend of the 5th and 6th of October the first inaugural trailable yacht series (known as the "Troppo Cup") was hosted by the NQCYC. The 10 competing yachts came from Bowen, Airlie Beach and Mackay and were divided into two divisions. The first race on Saturday was a short windward leeward course in moderate wind conditions. The wind increased for the following afternoon passage race which made the crews work hard just to get around the windward mark, located near Middle Island. This made for an exciting spinnaker run around the back of Stone Island. Lots of interesting stories were exchanged back in the Yacht Club and the band Jam kept everyone entertained later at night.
Both races on the second race day (Sunday) were windward leeward. The start was in 0 to 5 knots of north-easterly breeze, which meant that in shore was the fastest way around. The boats that went wide soon found out when they crossed at the top mark. Fortunately the wind picked up a little for the fourth and last race, making it a very pleasant sail in about 10 knots. However, there was a small incident, but luckily Breakaway and What a Life were mostly unharmed when they crossed their masts.
Fly'n High had two very good days of racing and won division 1, while Papillon took the win of division 2. The overall winner of the beautiful Troppo Cup trophy, which was hand crafted by Barry Smith, was Gary Bruce and his crew on Fly'n High. Rob Davis on Breakaway (Airlie Beach) came second and Justin Daley came third on Papillon. Knight Rider won the trophy for encouragement, which was sponsored by the late Fred Hewitt.
We had a fantastic weekend and hope to see everyone next year! Everyone involved deserves a huge NQCYC thanks! Jim Hayes and Bruce Shanks, Brian McGill, Bryan Tait and Gary Penney, Sam T-J and Dean Pond, Alan Crane, Barry Smith, Max Gillam and Micheal Deckert and crew on the mark boat, Mitch Hammond and everyone on the Good Endeavour as well as the bar, restaurant staff and photographers.
The results for Division 1 and 2 can be found here.

NQCYC successful in Magnetic Island Race Week
Two Bowen yachts represented the NQCYC in the Magnetic Island race week, which was held from 29th August till 3rd September. Barry Smith's Tide Up and Pete McKenzie's Le Rossignol competed against 13 other yachts in Cruising with Spinnaker Division 2 in the four race event. The 8 crew members had to make a great effort to repeat last year's results, where Tide Up came first and Le Rossignol came second in their division.
Winning seemed almost impossible during the first two races, as the handicap of competitor Unbealeievable was set way too soft and their wins were no surprise. The second race sent all 56 competing yachts on a lap around Magnetic Island. Le Rossignol was in a very good position when they were suddenly stopped by a reef they accidentally sailed over.
Thanks to their retractable keel and the skilled crew, they managed to sail into deeper water again and still finished seventh on handicap (while Tide Up came fifth).
As Unbealeievable's handicap was well adjusted for the last two races, both Bowen yachts managed to climb up the ladder in the series scores with Le Rossignol first and Tide Up second in race 3.
Six of the 15 yachts in the division were still in the run for the overall win and had to give their best in the difficult conditions in race 4. The up to 30 knots of wind created some high waves and gave all crew members a wet and exciting experience. Especially the spinnaker run turned out chaotic in these conditions, but got the Bowen yachts to speeds up to 14 knots. Tide Up handled the conditions best and won the race and the overall series. Le Rossignol's sixth place in the race secured them the second position in the overall series, thus repeating last year's results. Well done Baz and Pete!
Two Bowen yachts represented the NQCYC in the Magnetic Island race week, which was held from 29th August till 3rd September. Barry Smith's Tide Up and Pete McKenzie's Le Rossignol competed against 13 other yachts in Cruising with Spinnaker Division 2 in the four race event. The 8 crew members had to make a great effort to repeat last year's results, where Tide Up came first and Le Rossignol came second in their division.
Winning seemed almost impossible during the first two races, as the handicap of competitor Unbealeievable was set way too soft and their wins were no surprise. The second race sent all 56 competing yachts on a lap around Magnetic Island. Le Rossignol was in a very good position when they were suddenly stopped by a reef they accidentally sailed over.
Thanks to their retractable keel and the skilled crew, they managed to sail into deeper water again and still finished seventh on handicap (while Tide Up came fifth).
As Unbealeievable's handicap was well adjusted for the last two races, both Bowen yachts managed to climb up the ladder in the series scores with Le Rossignol first and Tide Up second in race 3.
Six of the 15 yachts in the division were still in the run for the overall win and had to give their best in the difficult conditions in race 4. The up to 30 knots of wind created some high waves and gave all crew members a wet and exciting experience. Especially the spinnaker run turned out chaotic in these conditions, but got the Bowen yachts to speeds up to 14 knots. Tide Up handled the conditions best and won the race and the overall series. Le Rossignol's sixth place in the race secured them the second position in the overall series, thus repeating last year's results. Well done Baz and Pete!
Cock o' Gloucester and Warren Dickenson Memorial
The Cock o’ Gloucester, one of the annual highlights in the NQCYC racing calendar was held on July 27, most yachts sailing across to Gloucester on Friday relaxing at Bona Bay and Montes Resort to be race ready on Saturday . The race always starts at 11 am on Saturday and sends the usually big fleet clockwise around Gloucester Island. The fleet of 14 yachts made an exciting downwind start with Salty Dog jumping the start and called on to make a penalty 360 degree turn. The wind conditions on the western side of the island were difficult as the wind directions kept changing due to Mount Bertha and the hilly terrain, wind indicators going in circles and Squally Bay being true to its name. Strong winds greeted the fleet on the northern tip of the island and continued to southern end and through to the finish line. The winds created an exciting race with high waves, deep swells and lots of water across the decks making for a lot of wet crews. Lion’s owner, Peter Daniel has mentored a top crew and Lion skippered by Frank Travers-Jones handled the conditions best to finish in first place while Peter skippered the committee boat Mac’s Pride (Thanks Max and Marilyn!). Gary Bruce's Fly’n High and Pete McKenzie's Le Rossignol filled second and third places. The crews celebrated the successful rounding of the island at night at Montes Reef Resort. Entertainment by Keiran McArthy and a delicious buffet provided a great atmosphere for the presentation night. The line honours yacht Lion also won the race on handicap, with Frank Travers-Jones, Jess Osbourne, Nat Hourne and Alan and Richard Dean wearing the winner’s hats. The young crew on Drifter came second on handicap in front of Le Rossignol in third place. Celebrations went on until late at night with a big highlight, the annual famous ghost crab races presented by Leon Mitchell and Chris, our host of Montes Resort.
On Sunday the 28th of July, the Warren Dickensen Memorial from Montes back to Bowen was held. Most of the fleet put their spinnakers up for the first leg between Montes and Middle Island, before turning towards N2 and sailing home. Line honours went to Steve Wright's crew on Air Apparent who sailed across from Bowen to turn around and race back, were followed over the line by Fly’n High and Lion. Meander’s spinnaker run certainly worked out well and the crew around Geoff Ingram won the race on handicap, followed by Mitchell Whitton’s Drifter and Gary Bruce’s Fly’n High, Coll Pett and Sue on Rakinki, Barry Smith’s Tide Up, Col Tait’s Deception, Air Apparent, Lion, Greg Hudson’s Salty Dog, Justin Daly’s Papillon, Don’s Silver Gull, and Alan Crane’s Warri.
Easter Regatta
We had some beautiful weather on Port Denison for the North Queensland Cruising Yacht Club Easter Regatta sponsored by Century 21 Real Estate Bowen. This series of races was also the second and final part of the North Queensland Cruising Yacht Club – Whitsunday Sailing Club Interclub Series, the first part of the series being held on Pioneer Bay by the Whitsunday Sailing Club in February. The NQCYC was well represented at the Whitsunday event by Peter Daniel’s yacht Lion, Gary Bruce’s Fly n High, Steve Wright’s Air Apparent, and Geoff Ingram’s Meander for the Home Hardware Series on Pioneer Bay. The Easter Regatta was in similar format to the Airlie Beach races where there were two divisions, Division 1 for the fully crewed racing yachts and Division 2 for the more cruising oriented yachts with small crew numbers.
It was a weekend of light wind of 5 to 10 knots where in Division 1 the line honours yacht for the three race series was Kevin Fogarty’s Beneteau 40.7 yacht Twister. Race 1 corrected time results were first place to Steve Wright’s Air Apparent, second to Peter Daniel’s Lion, and third was Twister in a race over to Eco Resort, around Middle Island, to Murray Bay and into the harbour to the finish. Sunday’s morning in harbour bouy race started off with good breeze but soon dropped to drifting strength except for Twister who produced a magic twenty minute lead on the next finisher and scoring a corrected time win over Ross Winterbourne’s Bobby D in second place and Peter Daniel’s Lion,third. Race three on Sunday afternoon race was a longer windward/leeward across the harbour in a much steadier breeze than in the morning and Peter and Simon Vincent’s sports boat X2, finishing just 9 seconds behind Twister scored them a corrected time win from Steve Wright’s Air Apparent in second and Tim Olsen’s Rising Farrst, third.
In Division 2 for the first race on Saturday around Middle Island and to Murray Bay, Gary Bruce’s Fly n High came in first across the line with Geoff Ingram’s Meander scoring the win on corrected time from Rob Davis’ Breakaway and Col Tait’s Deception in third place. Sunday mornings race, over the same course as Division 1 but starting 5 minutes later, saw a few Division 2 yachts mixed in with the 1st Division during the drifter, Rob Davis’ Breakaway crossed the line first. Corrected time first place was again Geoff Ingram’s Meander, Barry Smith’s Tide Up in second and Rob Davis’ Breakaway third. Race 3 when the breeze had picked up for the longer windward/leeward course Col Tait’s Deception gained the lead on the final beat to windward to collect both line honours and win on corrected time from Gary Bruce’s Fly n High second and Rob Davis’ Breakaway third.
NQCYC Century 21 Yacht Race Series Division 1 winner was Kev Fogarty’s Twister on 8 points, one point ahead of Steve Wright’s Air Apparent and 4 points back to 3rd was Lion and X2 both on 10 points then Ross Winterbourne’s Bobby D, on 13 points and Rising Farrst and Klem Pinchinelli’s Wobbly Boot on equal 17 points.
Division 2 Century 21 Yacht Race series winner was Geoff Ingram’s Meander with 7 points from Rob Davis’ Breakaway on 8 and on equal third place at 11 points was Barry Smith’s Tide Up and Col Tait’s Deception then came Fly n High on 12 points, Anthea 17 points, Warri 18 points and La Quilter on 24.
The NQCYC – Whitsunday Sailing Club Interclub Series was first place was shared on equal points by Peter Daniel’s Lion and Twister.
The Interclub series for Division 2 went to Rob Davis’ Breakaway, Fly n High and Meander in equal second spot and Dewie Hugh’s Anthea third.